Traditional Chinese Acupuncture:
Lower back pain, spondylosis, stiff neck, shoulder pain, joint swelling/pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, condylitis, and relief of muscle spasms.
Arthritis conditions, headaches of all kinds (including migraine), allergic reactions, constipation, asthma, and hay fever.
Sciatica, Trigeminal neuralgia.
Anxiety disorders, depression, insomnia.
Morning sickness, foetal malposition, menopausal syndrome, premenstrual syndrome.
Premature ejaculation, seminal emission.
Addictions to alcohol, tobacco (nicotine) and “hard’ drugs.
Used in cold or stagnant conditions to smoother flow of blood and qi.
Turn breech babies into a normal head-down position prior to childbirth.
Chinese Medical Massage| Acupressure
Relieve your pain, fatigue and restore your energy.
Reiki- Energy healing therapy:
Through inducing the relaxation response, Reiki encourages enhanced integrated functioning of the body’s healing systems. It is very effective for stress, depression and relaxation. It is also combined with acupuncture to reach great potential.
Ear Candle Therapy:
Natural thermotherapy for Head and Ear Related Problems. Ear candling can regulate pressure, assist with postnasal drip, sinusitis, catarrh, migraines, some forms of hearing loss, restoration of equilibrium, relieving tinnitus, vertigo and Meniere’s syndrome.
Cupping Therapy:
Acute and chronic pain, Muscle tightness.
Gastrointestinal problems.
Lung diseases like Chronic coughing, Asthma etc.
Effective Program for Giving Up Addictions:
Stopping smoking, giving up alcohol and drug addictions.
Other treatments available: Guasha, Bleeding technique, Herb medicine on request, etc.
Please call Acu Clinic on (03) 332 8918 for more information or an appointment. Also, you can make a booking online by clicking the buttock below.