Experience Holistic Health With Acupuncture
Traditional Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Moxibustion are traditional medical treatments that have been practiced for over 5000 years by Chinese acupuncturists…
Acupressure Therapy
Acupressure is a gentle, needle free alternative using targetted pressure points to alleviate pain, improve circulation and balance your energy… more
Reiki Therapy
Reiki is a gentle, energy based healing practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and restores your inner balance…
Moxibustion Therapy
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese therapy that enhances circulation, boosts immunity and supports overall vitality with burning moxa …
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is an alternative therapy that utilises suction points on the skin. It promotes circulation, reduces muscle tension and aids in detoxification …
Ear Coning Therapy
Ear coning is a natural, gentle technique used to remove earwax, debris and impurities in the ear canal. It radically improves balance and clarity …
The Emerging Harmony of Ancient Healing and Modern Science
Acupunture embraces the journey toward revitalized health and vitality, step into the enchanting world of acupuncture, where ancient healing traditions meet scientific research to confirm the ralities of natural healing.
The skillful insertition of fine needles are skillfully at specific acupoints address a variety of health challenges. Drawing from over five thousand years of wisdom from anncient China, these points are now harmonising with contemporary electromagnetic research on the subject.
Discover your Qi
Traditional acupuncture draws from ancient Chinese concepts regarding the flow of Qi (energy), often called Chi, and Xue (blood) along specific pathways known as meridians throughout the body. By inserting acupuncture needles into these acupoints, practitioners stimulate and promote the smooth flow of Qi, helping to maintain harmony and overall energetic balance within the body. As a result, this technique alleviates pain while also restoring your overall health.
Moxibustion works through a very similar way and relies on exactly the same flows of energy through the body. It also focuses on the acupoints, as does cupping. Our expertise in these ancient techniques in clearly confirmed by the many testimonials available here on the site.
30+ Years Experience
Your acupuncturist, Mr. Danny Cai, brings over 30 years of professional expertise to the table. He is also a proud life-long member of the NZ Standard Acupuncture Authority. Not only that, he comes highly recommended by both local doctors and patients alike.
Don’t delay. Book Now!
Now you can unlock the benefits of acupuncture for yourself. Take the first step towards improving your health and wellbeing. Schedule your appointment today (by simply clicking the button below) and select a time to suitWe’re located within the Barrington Health Centre in Christchurch, NZ.