Prior to Acupuncture treatment please take these precautions
- Delay treatment for a while after the patient arrives.
- Acupuncture should be delayed if a patient has had sexual intercourse within two hours of a treatment.
- Patients should retrain sexual activity for two hours after treatment as well.
- Treatment for patients who are intoxicated should be delayed.
- Treatment should be delayed for patients who suffer from fatigue.
- Delay treatment for patients who are fasting or famished or who are extremely thirsty.
- Treatment of patients who overeat should be delayed.
- Caution is advised for patients who exhibit nervousness or extreme fear.
- Caution is also advised for patients showing any strong emotion.
- Patients who have traveled great distances should be allowed to rest prior to treatment.
- Women who are pregnancy should tell the acupuncturist before any needling.
- Patients who have a tendency of spontaneous hemorrhage or other bleeding problems should avoid acupuncture treatment.